During April this year I knitted socks in aid of Dementia UK.
April saw my knitting needles clicking away, I managed to knit a sock a day, averaging 7 hours of stocking stitch, therefore achieving 15 pairs of socks all unique and knitted for sponsors.
Below are those socks.

The first pair had to be in the Dementia UK colours, thankfully neither of them were red!

I had contacted several yarn dyers to ask for donations of yarn to help with my sockathon.

Three came up trumps and were so generous.

Naomi at Skeinhawk Yarn.

Beth at Beehive Yarns

Jem at Under the Olive Tree

The next two pairs were for friends Dawn and Lee, they handily have the same sized feet so got two pairs that could be interchanged.

I also had a very generous donation of yarn from Bubbles, an old friend who’s Mum used to be a demon sock knitter but she can no longer knit due to dementia.

I then took a little break but found time to knit a prototype pair of socks for my friend Ali who wears leg braces. These should be counted as Pair Sixteen.
All these socks and none for Mick and myself! That had to be rectified, so Pairs Seventeen and Eighteen were knitted with a mystery yarn from Skeinhawk Yarns and the brightest Naomi had to offer.

I still had quite a lot of donated yarn left so when I broke my toe at the beginning of September I started knitting again, this time for Boat Women who’d expressed an interest.

Not knowing them I asked for one word to base their socks on, the above pairs were ‘Witch’ and ‘Vibrant’

‘Bright’ and ‘Hippy’
Pair Twenty One for Lizzie, ‘Bright’

‘Jazzy’ and ‘Quirky’, these ones were knitted inside out
Pair Twenty Five for Marina, ‘Anything’ sadly I popped them in the post too quickly to get a photo!

Then came the November Knitting Challenge for Dementia UK. I decided to knit socks for presents.

The first pair ended up being knitted very quickly as I was ill, the next one took a whole while longer as I was busy catching up on panto.

Finally, a last pair sneaked in for an old house mate Sine

I also managed a double layered hat for Mick during November to keep his head warm.
So 32 pairs of socks and a grand total of £1132 raised. Thank you to everyone who donated, had socks knitted for them or donated yarn, you are all wonderful.

The November Challenge so far has raised a fantastic £171,867.96!
Apologies if you sent me a photo of your toes in your socks, I couldn’t find them all!

Oops! I omitted a pair I knitted for my cousin and then the final pair this year were an emergency Christmas present for Frank. So 34 pairs in all this year!

Do I do it all again next year? Do I do it with a difference? I’m thinking about it and working on an idea. Watch this space.