Welcome to my RedLockMakes page.
This is where I’m going to show off some of the things I make and paint. If you like anything and would like to buy them please don’t be shy. Get in touch.

An apt painting for this page.
As many of you know I knit and crochet, I’ve had an Etsy shop selling mostly socks and gloves for a few years now, although it is currently dormant! My plan is to expand into paintings of the waterways which as they are painted will be added here. If it looks like it’s worth me getting prints and cards made of them I will. Any income from this will go towards gas or diesel or maybe subsidising our wine cellar under the back steps of Oleanna.

I kicked off this page in 2022 when I took part in a fundraiser for Versus Arthritis. I spent a month knitting socks, using up my left over yarn supplies to help make space on the boat. People sponsored me for the challenge or if they fancied a pair, I knitted them unique socks in return for a donation. I managed to knit 9 pairs of socks and raise £320.

In April 2023 I decided to see if I could knit more socks. Pip’s Sockathon 2023 was born and I managed to knit a sock a day, I didn’t have too much else to do at the time. I managed to get donations of yarn from Indie Dyers which made the socks more special, this time raising funds for Dementia_UK. I had so much yarn left I knitted more socks through the year ending up with 34 pairs and having raised £1132!

At the beginning of 2024 I wanted to help raise more funds for Dementia_UK and I fear I am now addicted to knitting socks! Yarn donations have been fantastic and I have so much yarn to choose from for Pip’s Sockathon 2024, I will be knitting a pair of socks each week through the year. If you’d like a pair please get in touch and I’ll add you to the list, currently 28 pairs have been sponsored, so 24 to go! You could just sponsor me to help keep my needles clicking away too. Here’s the link to my Just Giving page.