A made up recipe based on ideas from the back of a packet for rice wrappers.

This serves 2 and I served it with homemade stir fried rice.
On the Herbie scale of 30 plants in one week, this counts as 10.
- 1 breast of left over roast chicken
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- 1 clove of garlic chopped finely
- 0.5 a thumbs worth of root ginger chopped finely
- 3 tablespoons rapeseed oil
- 1 carrot cut into matchsticks
- a good handful of cabbage or spring greens finely sliced
- 3 runner beans sliced finely
- 4 Rice wrappers
- Hot water

- Cut the leftover chicken breast into thin strips.
- Mix together the soy sauce (use gluten free if required), maple syrup and lemon juice together in a bowl, add the chicken and make sure it is coated in the sauce. Leave to marinade whilst you chop everything else up
- Put a drizzle of oil in a frying pan on a medium heat.
- Add the ginger and garlic and let it gently cook for a couple of minutes
- Add the carrot and cook for 2 minutes before adding the chicken and what’s left of the marinade. Cook for a minute or two so the mixture isn’t damp.
- Stir in the cabbage/greens and beans and let cook for a minute . Turn off the heat.
- In a shallow dish or frying pan pour a half inch of warm water.

- Soak one of the rice wrappers in the water for about 20 seconds. Make sure both sides are covered in water otherwise it will want to curl up.
- Carefully but quickly lift the wrapper onto a t-towel to get rid of excess water. Then straight away lift it onto a chopping board, it is less likely to stick here. Flatten it back out into a circle.
- Add a quarter of the chicken and vegetable mixture in a line along one side of the wrapper. Roll over one side and then fold over the two ends before rolling it up fully. Put to one side and repeat for the other three wrappers using up the rest of the chicken mixture.
- Clean out the frying pan with some kitchen roll, then add the remaining oil. It wants to be enough to just cover the bottom of the pan.
- Fry the spring rolls on a medium heat, don’t touch them too often otherwise the wrappers will tear. You are aiming to get them golden brown and crispy all over, use a fish slice to gently turn them over. This will take about ten minutes.
- Serve with fried rice or a dipping sauce.